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Room Procedures

W5 Therapy Room Procedures 


  • All therapists must be qualified and provide a copy of their qualifications, membership certificate with relevant governing body and a copy of their insurance policy. Once verified you will receive instructions on how access the rooms

  • Building and Rooms are accessed by codes ( given after documents verified)

  • Please ask Clients to press No. 27 on the key pad when they arrive. The office phone/intercom in the room will ring and you can let them in.

  • Please ask clients to arrive on time, if the weather is unkind they are welcome to wait in Starbucks or any of the local shops. This ON TIME policy is in place to minimise the phone buzzing and interrupting the ending of therapist sessions. 

  • Room bookings are for 1 hour, these are 50 minute sessions ONLY, you are expected to leave at 55 past the hour. If you require a full 60 minutes you must book a 2 hour time slot. There will be a clock in the main area to which 5 minutes till the next therapist may respectfully tap on the door. Clarification, start on the hour - end session 50 past - 5 minutes to leave the room - new therapist will have 5 minutes to set up for their session.

  • No eating in the rooms. There is water provided for you and clients. As I know some clients may bring in their own drinks (Starbucks while waiting) please be mindful if there are any spills. Do not throw drinks with liquids into the trashes

  • W5 therapy rooms are not responsible for any loss or damage caused while on the premises, or outside the premises.

  • There is NO waiting area for clients inside the building. To respect confidentiality ONLY therapists may use the space for short waits while other therapist have ended. There will be a white noise machine active in the main area to create privacy as well. Please do not turn this off. 

  • Children must be monitored at ALL times and never left alone. Again no clients may use the waiting area, this includes children waiting for parents or parents waiting for children. 

  • Any therapists seeing clients under 16 years MUST have appropriate insurance and DBS to do so. 

  • There is parking at Springbridge Multi-story car park. 9 Spring Bridge Road, W5 (3 minute walk across the park) rates are £1per hour 7am to 6pm, free after 6pm, weekends £3 all day. 

  • Toilets can only be accessed by code. This will be given to you and also written on the board. 

  • Please do not turn on the lights using the wall switch. Only lamps may be used for lighting - switch for lamps on floor

  • Do NOT leave dirty glasses on the cabinet at any time

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